Achieva Family Trust Celebrates 25 Years!
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Achieva Family Trust Celebrates 25 Years!

Amy Dolan Strano

Article by Amy Dolan Strano, Esq, President, Achieva Family Trust

Happy New Year to all! 2023 is an exciting year for Achieva Family Trust. It marks our 25th year serving as corporate trustee for special needs trusts for people with disabilities! We have seen a lot of changes over the past 25 years.One that immediately comes to mind is our name. We started out as The Family Trust before adopting a d/b/a (doing business as) name of Achieva Family Trust. Another change is our number of trust beneficiaries. We started out with 1 beneficiary, who received an inheritance and needed a special needs trust to preserve his government benefits. We were able to help John and his family, and we are still working with them 25 years later! We are currently assisting more than 2500 beneficiaries, and that number continues to grow on a regular basis! Our staff have also grown over the past 25 years from a handful of people to the 30 staff members we have today!  

I want to thank you all for your continued support of Achieva Family Trust over the past 25 years. I am honored to lead such a wonderful organization. I look forward to more great things to be accomplished in the years to come.

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