Autism Urban Connections' 8th Annual Funday Event Attendance
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Autism Urban Connections' 8th Annual Funday Event Attendance

Blog Post
On Sunday August 11, Patty Yerina and Alvin Hurt, from Achieva Family Trust, attended Autism Urban Connections' 8th Annual Funday Event at the Hazelwood Green Plaza. 

They are pictured here with Lu Randall, President of Autism Connection of PA, and Jamie Upshaw, the Founder and  Executive Director of Autism Urban Connections.  

Autism Urban Connections’ mission is to provide education, support, advocacy, and empowerment, with an emphasis on self-care to families of those diagnosed with Autism. Their vision is that all families receive individualized supports and education to access valuable resources and services that enhance the quality of life, that will break down barriers while addressing the disparities in our most marginalized communities.

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