Achieva | Employing an Achieva Supported Job Seeker with Achieva Business Services
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Employing an Achieva Supported Job Seeker

Achieva Employment supports is committed to developing long lasting relationships with employers within the community. Our professional team of employment specialists seeks to match people we support with your business needs. We work intensively with our job seekers to develop the skills necessary to meet an employer’s needs. Once an individual is offered employment, we will be there to support the person and your business, for as long as necessary, to ensure quality standards are being met.

What we offer:

  • Dependable and motivated workers
  • Reduced turnover
  • Lower absenteeism
  • On the job training
  • Support resulting in increased revenue
  • Decreased expenses
  • Enhanced public image
  • Disability awareness training
  • Tax incentives

Job Coaching benefits employers

  • Job coaching refers to the additional training and support provided by an Employment Specialist and designed to assist an individual in learning how to perform job tasks to the employer’s specifications.

Achieva Job Coaching includes working with individuals to:

  • Meet the standards and quality of the business
  • Perform the agreed upon essential functions of their position
  • Maintain good interpersonal skills to retain community integrated employment
  • Develop self advocacy skills
  • Coordinate transportation supports

Achieva Job Coaching includes working with employers on:

  • Negotiating the essential functions of the job to create a “good fit” between the employer and new employee
  • Presenting educational trainings on diversity, disability, and inclusion for ALL current employees if an employer feels it would be of benefit
  • Developing natural support systems that allow the individual to achieve optimal independence in the workplace
  • Minimizing costs through increased employee retention

What are the potential benefits of Job Coaching?

  • Achieva Job Coaching services come at NO ADDITIONAL EXPENSE to Employers!
  • Job Coaches reduce the time it takes businesses to locate workers by giving them access to potential employees who are eager and ready to work
  • The up-front work of a Job Coach will compliment the hiring process of the business
  • Training and support from the Job Coach is customized to your business.  This continues throughout the individual’s employment as needed 
  • Job Coaches can assist with the identification of other accommodations for the company/business and serve as a resource to its diversity efforts
  • Job Coaches can assist in providing information about tax credits such as the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

Frequently Asked Questions

Achieva supports job seekers with disabilities. This can include (but is not limited to) diagnoses related to intellectual, mental health, autism and physical disabilities. An individual working with Achieva has a diagnosed disability and a strong desire to work!
People with disabilities bring a wide variety of skills and abilities to a diverse range of positions in the workplace. In some cases an individual with a disability is able to perform the essential functions of the job independently or with natural supports that all of your employees utilize. In other cases, a person with a disability is able to perform the essential functions of the job with reasonable accommodations.
More often than not, if an employee needs an accommodation, there will be little or no added expense to the employer. Accommodations can include adaptive equipment that the employee will bring to the workplace, a negotiation of job responsibilities, simple modifications to a work environment, etc. We encourage you to utilize the Job Accommodation Network for more information about accommodations in the workplace.
The role of our employment specialists is to support you as an employer in addition to the employee. We will be there to assess the situation and work with all stakeholders to come up with possibilities to resolve the issue. Our supports will be there any time, you or a person with a disability, needs them.
With the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) employers can earn up to $2,400 per worker for hiring people who meet targeted eligibility criteria. The State of Pennsylvania also has the Employment Incentive Payment (EIP) program where employers can earn Pennsylvania state tax credits for hiring people who receive state rehabilitation services and/or cash welfare benefits.

The employee must work one year in order to qualify the employer for EIP tax credits. Employers earn state tax credits of up to 30 percent of the employee’s first $9,000 in first year wages; 20 percent for year two; and 10 percent for year three. Within three weeks of the employee’s start date, the employer must complete and submit an EIP Tax Credit Certification Request Form. If you are an employer who is interested in hiring an individual with a disability to enhance your business, please click on the button and someone will contact you.