Back to School Tips & Tricks
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Back to School Tips & Tricks

Student with Parent and educator

You are your student’s best advocate!  Here are the Arc of Greater Pittsburgh’s tips and tricks for the 2024-2025 school year.


The Advocates Say…

  • Have open lines of communication, develop a communication plan with your student’s school team (email, text, app, Google doc, etc).

  • Create a one-page profile with your student to share with the new school team members.

  • First quarter check-in (email, phone call, meeting)-- what’s working/what’s not working.

  • First day dry run. Drive the route/locate the bus stop/walk/take the public transit your student will be using.

  • Create a before school routine and time schedule.

  • Get connected with your Local Right to Education Task Force


IEP/504 Plan Meetings

  • Go prepared to all school IEP/504 plan meetings.  Have a list of questions/concerns to address at the meeting.

  • Take someone with you to IEP/504 plan meetings for your comfort and also to help with notes or listening.

  • It’s okay to take a break at the IEP/504 plan meeting. 

  • Make sure all people introduce themselves at the beginning of each IEP/504 plan meeting.

  • Students should attend and/or lead their IEP/504 plan meetings.

  • Make sure you get a final copy of the IEP/504 plan after the meeting.

  • You do not need to sign or affirm anything at the IEP/504 plan meeting.

  • Bring snacks!

  • Try to be well rested.

  • Parents and guardians are an EQUAL part of the IEP Team.

We are here to listen and help.  Call us at 412-995-5000 ext 486 or complete our online intake form.  

We wish your student a healthy and successful school year!