Achieva | Early Intervention

Strong Starts Begin Here

All about early intervention

Early Intervention is a program that provides therapeutic services to children who have developmental disabilities or delays. Services, such as speech therapy and physical therapy, among others, can be provided from birth up through when the child turns three years old.

If you are concerned about your child's development or you have been asked to select a provider for Early Intervention services, please call Achieva for a no-cost consultation 412.995.5000 x487.

For more information about Achieva's Early Intervention Services, contact us through our online form or call 412.995.5000 x487.

Early Intervention services are provided at no cost to families. There is never a co-pay and the evaluation for services comes at no cost to the family either.
Early Intervention services can be provided in the child’s home or daycare, or wherever the family and therapist decide is the most familiar place for the child to receive them. 
If you are concerned that your child is not meeting developmental milestones, your first step is to get an independent assessment of your child. This evaluation is completed in your home, and will examine all areas of development.

If your child shows a delay in one area of development, and qualifies for early intervention services, you will be asked to choose a provider. Choosing Achieva Early Intervention as your service provider ensures you will have access to the most qualified therapists, specialists and experts in early intervention.  

For more information, please call Achieva for a no-cost consultation. For more information about Achieva's Early Intervention Services, contact us through our online form or call 412.995.5000 x487.

The assessment of your child's development is the first step. To schedule an assessment contact: 

Allegheny County:
Call The Alliance for Infants and Toddlers at 412.885.6000 and request an evaluation. If your child is found to be eligible for early intervention services, choose Achieva.

Washington County:
Call Washington County Human Services at 724.228.6832 and request an evaluation. If your child is found to be eligible for early intervention services, choose Achieva.

Westmoreland County:
Call Westmoreland Casemanagement and Supports, Inc. (WCSI) at 724.837.1808 and request an evaluation. If your child is found to be eligible for early intervention services, choose Achieva.
Consultant therapists provide IFSP services in Allegheny, Washington and Westmoreland Counties.

Resumes for Special Instruction, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy can be sent to Sharon Richards

Early Intervention Services

As the trusted leader in providing early intervention services in Allegheny County, Washington County, and Westmoreland County, Achieva Early Intervention has supported thousands of families over the past 45 years.
Developmental Therapy

Developmental Therapy

Achieva Early Intervention's developmental therapists evaluate a child’s current level of motor and language skills. They develop and implement a treatment plan to improve the child’s development and monitor progress to determine the effectiveness of the treatment.

Feeding & Nutrition

Feeding & Nutrition

Difficulty swallowing, chewing, or refusal to eat can cause stress to families and impact a child's development. Therapy can provide feeding strategies, encourage oral motor strengthening, and address negative mealtime behaviors.

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

An early intervention physical therapist will help your child in all areas of general mobility. Some of the common issues that a child may need physical therapy for in the birth-3 age range are delayed sitting, crawling, or walking, balance or mobility issues, or torticollis (tightening of the neck muscles) and plagiocephaly (flattening of one side of the head). An Achieva Early Intervention physical therapist is going to work with you, your family, and your child to achieve goals that you determine prior to beginning therapy.

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

A speech therapist will work with the child and their family to support all areas related to communication, with the goal being to maximize effective communication. They support children with feeding and swallowing difficulties, as well, in addition to general speech delays. Specific concerns related to expressive and receptive language, stuttering, or general language delays are areas that a speech therapist will provide in-home family based coaching for. 
Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

In general, occupational therapists support individuals in areas of ‘occupation’ -meaning activities related to daily living. In the early intervention field, an occupational therapist is going to support children in areas of their daily life within the context of their family. An occupational therapist will provide coaching to promote confidence with the child and their family in activities of daily living, such as sleeping, eating, dressing, personal hygiene, in addition to supporting play and socialization.

Social Work

Social Work

Early intervention social workers support the needs of the entire family. Social workers identify and share beneficial community resources. In addition, they educate and counsel parents, providing encouragement during a child's developmental years.
Hearing & Vision

Hearing & Vision

At Achieva Early Intervention, we have both teachers of the visually impaired and teachers of the hearing impaired. Children who are born deaf, develop hearing loss, or are hard of hearing will be supported by an Achieva Early Intervention teacher of the hearing impaired. Our teachers of the visually impaired work with children who are blind or have a brain based Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), in addition working with children who have other areas of delay related to vision loss. Both teachers of the visually and hearing impaired will work with your child to develop their other senses and skills to ensure the child achieves their full potential.

Achieva Early Intervention Programs

Achieva Early Intervention is proud to offer programs supporting children and their families from birth and beyond. 

Books at Birth

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Infant Massage

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Birds of a Feather Preschool Readiness Group

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Achieva Early Intervention has a dedicated team of experienced therapists

As a physical therapist my role is to encourage children to "get moving."  It is so rewarding to see children learn how to crawl, walk, run and climb and to see the smiles and joy on parent's faces as each child develops these major milestones.

Jen Campise
Physical Therapist

As a speech therapist with Achieva Early Intervention, my role is to help children communicate.  I enjoy working with families to explore new strategies, and identify opportunities to elicit communication. It is rewarding to see the families' confidence grow as they practice these strategies, enhancing their childs' skills.

Sharon McPartland
Speech Therapist

As an occupational therapist with Achieva Early Intervention, I specialize in helping families perform the jobs of daily life with their child, including playing, eating, and doing other daily routines. The best part is building a relationship to support the family as they journey through the challenging years of early childhood.

Amy Gruska
Occupational Therapist

Reach out to Achieva Early Intervention

If you are concerned about your child's development or you have been asked to select a provider for Early Intervention services, please call Achieva for a no-cost consultation.

Contact us to see how we can help you