Achieva | People with disabilities can live in a home of their own with Achieva's support
Now Hiring - Vice President, Advancement
This key position will develop and implement a vision to advance Achieva’s position as a leader through relationship and partner cultivation, communications, and fundraising. Learn more and apply today.
New Camp Request Deadline
Please note that the due date for camp requests from our Charitable Residual Program has been moved up to  APRIL 15, 2025.  Please get your applications for camp requests completed timely to ensure you meet the application deadline!

Living More Independently

Caregivers often worry about who will take care of a family member if they become unable to. Meanwhile, people with disabilities frequently dream about living in a home of their own.

Achieva’s “A Home of My Own” can help families prepare for the unknown while helping those who need limited support to live more independently. “A Home of My Own” blends the private resources of families and people with disabilities with public or government funding and natural supports to make living more independently within the community a reality.

“A Home of My Own” offers:
  • A home for a person apart from their family’s home
  • A choice of geographical location of where you want to reside
  • A choice of living in a house, apartment, townhouse, mobile home, or duplex
  • A choice of who you want to live with 
  • The opportunity to choose staff (life coaches)
  • Individualized supports and services
  • A reduction in wait time for supports and services
  • An observational assessment of community living skills
  • True person-centered planning
  • Meaningful community participation based on individual interests

Achieva has Housing Specialists that have experience with housing, transportation, employment, health care, government benefits, and Medicaid home and community-based waiver supports. Housing Specialists work with people with disabilities, their families, service coordinators, and support coordinators to discuss ideas about housemates, type of housing (house, apartment, condo), location, hours of support needed, types of support needed, both natural/paid supports, as well as the type/level of family support.

Achieva has Life Coaches who assist people to meet their individualized goals, including maintaining their home, learning public transportation, meeting new people, and learning new skills, such as grocery shopping.

Services Offered by “A Home of My Own”
  • In-Home and Community Supports
  • Companion Services
  • Guidance and Support through “Transitions to Independent Living”
  • Housing Specialists
  • Housing Tenancy and Sustainability
  • High School Transition Planning and Support
  • Family Supports through Transitions
  • Exploration of Assistive Technology