Achieva| Home Care
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Types of Home Care Supports

Home and community habilitation provides ongoing assistance to individuals for many everyday tasks: personal care; living skills; shopping; household maintenance; budgeting or attendance at recreational and community events. Our focus is to assist the person in improving and growing independently while considering their preferences and interests in order to live life to the fullest. Habilitation supports can also be provided to small groups of individuals (two or three), who would like to spend time together socializing and enjoying their favorite activity in the community.
Respite provides relief to families caring for a loved one with special needs at home. This time can be used for families to take care of themselves; to rest and relax and get a break from the day to day challenges that come from caring for someone with special needs. Supports can be provided in the person's home or in one of our caregiver’s home. Services are available on a short-term hourly basis.
Companion care provides the person with supervision for their health and safety and is provided at times when the person is not focused on learning skills such as when a peson is sleeping or when the person lives on their own, but doesn’t have the ability to safely evacuate. In companion cases, the caregiver is able to provide minimal assistance with daily living activities, but is primarily used when non-medical or non-habilitative care is needed.

Family aides provide supervision for health and safety to the person, but may also provide supervision to other people in the household such as siblings or elderly family members. This service is referred and approved by the individual’s Administrative Entity; i.e., county.
Personal care attendants are able to support people, birth through 21, with special healthcare needs, to assist with their daily living skills, personal care, dressing, hygiene, etc. This support must be prescribed as medically necessary from the person's physician and approved by the individual's Medical Assistance’s (MA) Managed Care Organization (MCO); i.e., Gateway, United Healthcare, etc. or directly through the state MA program.
Achieva Home Care can assist someone with special needs or the family with whom the individual resides with household tasks that may prove to be too difficult to perform; i.e., outside yard maintenance, leaf removal, major cleaning projects; i.e., walls, carpets, etc. An individual can qualify for this support only when other household members, landlord or agency is unable to provide the task.
Provide families the opportunity to hire their relatives, siblings, friends or neighbors for respite care and habilitative supports to their family member with special needs. Achieva will ensure the employee meets all regulatory training requirements to provide supports.


Providing Assistance, Care, and Support

Achieva Home Care provides in-home and community support for people of any age with a disability. Our goals and supports are designed to build independence and ensure health and safety.

Caregiver supports can be provided for a few hours daily, weekly, monthly or on a 24 hour basis that is dependent on a persons needs. 

Achieva Home Care is licensed by the Department of Health and is a member of the Pennsylvania Homecare Association. Achieva Home Care is also regulated and monitored by Pennsylvania's Department of Human Services Office of Developmental Programs and area Administrative Entities (AE).

Find peace of mind with the care offered by Achieva. All Home Care employees are required to be competent in the following areas:

  • Individual Support Plan (ISP)
  • Goal and outcomes
  • Infectious diseases
  • Universal safety precautions
  • Personal care and hygiene
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Fire safety
  • Safe driving practices
  • Medication management
  • Unusual incident reporting
  • Growth and Development
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Nutrition and diet, body mechanics
  • Safe medical device act
  • Communication
  • Other specialized trainings required by the person supported

Achieva Home Care Policies

Achieva Home Care provides supports to individuals of all ages with intellectual and physical disabilities. Referrals can be made by a family, guardian, supports coordinator, case manager or by the individual directly. Once a referral is submitted, the family, individual and/or guardian is responsible to complete a Family/Client Intake Assessment.

The family or guardian and/or individual will also sign an agreement authorizing Achieva Home Care permission to convey care requirements to the home care professional.

This agreement will give permission to:
  • Allow caregivers to seek medical attention needed by their family member in the event of an emergency if no immediate family member is present
  • Allow family emergency contacts to assume care of the individual when the immediate caregiver is unavailable
  • Allow the transportation of the individual, either in the caregiver's car or the family car, to and from planned activities
The agreement also lists other areas, the family must understand and agree to, for program participation.

Our Caregivers

In any support, our caregivers are required to meet minimum state requirements and have at least one year personal or professional experience in working with individuals with disabilities. All candidates must secure satisfactory criminal and child abuse background checks, physical clearances, CPR, first aid, fire safety and other trainings listed in the individual's plan of care. Achieva's trainings promote self-determination and everyday lives for individuals with disabilities to promote full inclusion as a community member.

Families as Caregivers

Families as Caregivers provide families the opportunity to hire their friends, relatives, neighbors and/or siblings to provide respite care and/or habilitative supports to their family member with special needs. In these situations, Achieva Home Care becomes the managing employer and coordinates the hiring of the caregiver and maintains employer related tasks, payroll, worker's compensation, liability insurance, taxes, etc.

In addition, we ensure the employee meets all regulatory training requirements to provide supports. If you know someone who may be interested in providing supports to an individual with disabilities, please contact Achieva.


Services are funded in a variety of ways. Primary funding streams include Federal/State Title XIX waiver services.

For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), these can include, but are not limited to, Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), Autism and OBRA Waivers. In some counties, individuals with IDD may qualify for county funding to support the cost of home care.

For individuals, birth through 21 with special healthcare needs who require a personal care attendant, funds are available through Medical Assistance as long as the support is prescribed and approved as medically necessary. Families also have the option of paying directly and Achieva Home Care can bill other funding organizations such as school districts, trusts and community organizations.