Resume Building
Community Based Work Assessments
Job Shadowing
Job Coaching
Personalized and Group Trainings
Services includes career exploration and assistance in; vocational assessment and discovery
Application, Interviewing
On the job support
Identifying and meeting wellness needs
Connections to supportive colleagues and other networks
Assist individuals to explore career advancement opportunities
Provides two onsite specialists on each designated employer
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
Office of Developmental Programs (ODP)
PA Family Network (PAFN)
What Benefits will a designated employer receive?
Financial Incentives
100% reimbursement of wages for the first year
Potential Tax Incentives
On-site Support
Two embedded dedicated positions
Inclusion Liaison
Employment Specialist
Qualified Workers
Prescreened candidates with necessary skills, training and qualifications to perform essential job duties
By increasing the number of employees with disabilities in their workforce, businesses are likely to experience:
Improved attendance
Enhanced productivity
Increased employee retention
Raised visibility within their community
Improved customer relationships
Expanded customer base
Increased profits
SWTCIE stands for Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment
This initiative seeks to reduce subminimum wage employment and enhance opportunities for Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE for individuals with disabilities who are currently in, have or are considering subminimum wage positions)
Despite progress in some states, federal law still allows employers to pay individuals with disabilities less than minimum wage under Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. This practice perpetuates segregated workplaces and restricts career growth.
In contrast, Pennsylvania's InVEST Project, guided by the "Employment First" philosophy, champions competitive, integrated employment for people with disabilities. In alignment with the 2018 Act 36, InVEST is actively working to expand access to meaningful employment opportunities for Pennsylvanians with disabilities, including students and young adults.