Cecil and David Rosenthal Community Award" to be Presented at The Awards of Excellence
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Cecil and David Rosenthal Community Award" to be Presented at the Awards of Excellence

For Immediate Release                                                        
Lisa Razza, Director of Communications
412-995-5000 x410

ACHIEVA To Present Inaugural "Cecil and David Rosenthal Community Award"

PITTSBURGH, PA, December 10, 2018 - Each December, ACHIEVA honors the people and businesses who share its vision, aspiring for a community where disability is a distinction that makes no difference. On December 11th, ACHIEVA will host its annual Awards of Excellence at the Sheraton, Station Square. The awards ceremony begins at 6 p.m.

This year, an award in honor of Tree of Life victims Cecil and David Rosenthal has been created. The inaugural award will be presented posthumously to Cecil and David who were longtime recipients of ACHIEVA services. Subsequently, the "Cecil and David Rosenthal Community Award” will be given to a person with an intellectual or developmental disability who – by virtue of how they live their life – has embraced being a part of their community, and in return their community has embraced them. The award will be accepted by Diane and Michele Rosenthal, sisters of Cecil and David.

Recipients of eleven Awards of Excellence will be honored at the ceremony by emcee Amy Marcinkiewicz of WPXI-TV. Among the honorees are Sean and Mandi Casey who will receive the "Excellence in Community Awareness" award. Together, they raised over $1 million to build the Miracle League of the South Hills where children of all abilities can be a part of a team and enjoy the game of baseball. The "Marsha S. Blanco Community Leadership Award" will be presented to former Pennsylvania Deputy Secretary of Developmental Programs, Nancy Thaler. Thaler, who retired in August 2018, after decades of service in the field of intellectual disability services, advanced the philosophy of “Everyday Lives,” confirming the right of people with disabilities to live a life that is no different from that of all other citizens.


ACHIEVA is a non-profit organization located in southwestern Pennsylvania providing lifelong supports to people with disabilities and their families. ACHIEVA strives to empower individuals with disabilities and their families. We offer a wide array of supports and services including ACHIEVA Family Trust, Advocacy, Disability Healthcare Initiative, Early Intervention, Home and Community Supports, Older Adult Protective Services, Recreation, Representative Payee and Residential Supports. ACHIEVA works towards engaging in a community where disability is a distinction that makes no difference.