January is National Wellness Month
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January is National Wellness Month

Photo of Katherine Reim
By Katherine Reim
Executive Director 
The Arc Erie County

January is National Wellness Month, so I thought it might be a good time to think about all the natural ways we can be healthy and experience wellness. 

While January is cold in many parts of the country, and we tend to want to stay inside and hibernate until Spring arrives, a better idea is to bundle up with a coat, scarf, hat, and gloves and check out all that nature has to offer during the winter. 
Just being outside feels good-breathing in clean air, feeling the wind on your face, and seeing things in nature can lift your spirits. If you are close to water or a park, that is even better!
Exercise is a wonderful way to experience wellness. Walking or running releases endorphins that make you feel good.
If being outside is not for you, consider yoga or meditation. Both of these natural practices offer peace and relaxation. 
Being grateful for the people and things in your life that bring you joy also makes you feel and experience wellness. 

Here’s to a healthy January filled with wellness!