Achieva's Code of Conduct
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Achieva Code of Conduct

As an employee of Achieva, I understand and accept the following as guiding principles by which I will perform my job responsibilities. I further understand that when I am in doubt about interpretation of my conduct under this code, I should promptly consult with my supervisor. Demonstrate respect for and preserve the dignity of consumers and their family members.

Support the achievement of personal outcomes for the people we support.

Portray a positive image of Achieva to others outside the Agency.

Work cooperatively and productively with co-workers and others toward achievement of Achieva’s vision and mission.

Follow established fiscal procedures to avoid misuse of Agency or consumers’ funds.

Support Achieva’s compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including those that prohibit illegal discrimination.

Devote full work time and attention to duties. Separate personal interests from professional responsibilities in all dealings at work.

Discuss work concerns or problems calmly and professionally with supervisor or co-workers as appropriate.

Seek guidance and/or assistance to clarify understanding of job responsibilities.

Adhere to Agency-wide and job-specific policies and procedures.

Use Agency property and resources solely for the business purposes of the organization.

Exercise care in the use of and provide for appropriate security for Agency equipment and property; report malfunctions promptly to responsible party.

Maintain confidentiality in all matters established as confidential by Achieva, including but not limited to confidential information regarding co-workers, consumers, vendors, services and proposed policies or business ventures. Share confidential information only on a legitimate, need-to-know basis and in accordance with applicable legal regulations and Achieva policies.

Disclose any actual or potential conflict between my personal interests, or those of an immediate or extended family member and my duty to Achieva. Refrain from using personal influence in the making of a contract in which I am a party or stockholder, partner, member, agent, representative, employee or relative of such party. Exercise fairness and objectivity in all dealings with others.

Upon separation from Achieva, return all Agency materials, including information, equipment and keys.

Accept no gifts other than those of nominal value from consumers, family members or vendors.

Perform work duties safely; consider the safety and security of others.