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Achieva's Own Nancy Murray Selected for Shapiro-Davis Transition Role

Picture of Nancy Murray, President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh and a Senior Vice President of Achieva standing in the lobby at Achieva's Corporate office on the South Side, Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh, PA (December 3, 2022) - Nancy Murray, President of The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh and a Senior Vice President of Achieva, has been selected by the transition team for Governor-Elect Josh Shapiro and Lieutenant Governor-Elect Austin Davis to serve as a member of the Health and Human Services Transition Advisory Committee. Members of the newly established group will advise the Shapiro-Davis Transition Team as it works to assess public policy and budget issues, challenges, and priorities for the incoming administration.

Achieva President and CEO Steve Suroviec said, “At Achieva, we are proud of Nancy and the confidence the incoming administration has in her advice and counsel.” Nancy shared, “It is quite an honor to be selected and included among such a diverse group of experienced leaders across the state of Pennsylvania to advise the incoming administration.”

According to the Shapiro-David Transition Team’s December 2nd press release, the Advisory Committee for Health and Human Services will advise transition officials on ensuring every Pennsylvanian “has equitable, affordable access to medical care in their community.” “The committee will compile recommendations for public health issues, substance use treatment, child welfare services, seniors issues, and elder care.” The committee includes three focus areas: healthcare, human services, and seniors. Murray will advise on human services. 

Murray’s credentials are numerous. She is the parent of three adults with disabilities and has advocated for people with disabilities for over four decades. In addition to leading The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh for 20 years, Nancy is the Project Director of Achieva’s Disability Healthcare Initiative, which is focused on access to healthcare for people with disabilities. She served as co-chair of the federal RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council. Murray was a member of Governor Wolf’s Council on Reform to improve the support and protection of vulnerable Pennsylvanians. She also serves as Board President of the Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation, a member of the Pennsylvania Medical Assistance Advisory Council, and a member of the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs Information Sharing and Advisory Committee.

Formerly, Nancy served as a founder and coordinator of the Down Syndrome Center at Children’s Hospital (UPMC) of Pittsburgh, the Director of Supports Coordination at Staunton Clinic in Pittsburgh, and the Western Area Director for the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs.
Achieva is a non-profit organization located in southwestern Pennsylvania providing lifelong supports to people with disabilities and their families. Achieva envisions a community where all people with disabilities lead lives of personal significance. Our services range from early intervention therapies and employment supports to special needs trusts and supports in the home and community. Achieva advocates for, empowers, and supports people with disabilities and their families throughout their lives.