Achieva | Person-Centered Supports
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Lead a life of personal significance

Live your best life

With person-centered planning

Using the Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) framework, Achieva's goal is for all services to be designed and responsive to each person's vision for a life of personal significance. We engage with the people we support and their families to organize ideas, vision, and goals while teaching them to problem-solve, navigate, and advocate for support. 

Request a Person-Centered Plan

We'll help you organize your thoughts, plans and goals.

Life Stages

Life is a journey where each stage of life impacts the other and different life experiences bring us closer or further away from our “good life.” In the LifeCourse framework, we use the term “life trajectory” to describe the path your journey takes. It helps a person to think about what has helped or hindered them in the past and what might work or may get in their way moving forward. 

Previous, current, and future life stages impact and influence the life trajectory.

Experiences and Questions Booklet

Integrated Supports Star

The Integrated Support Star principle and tool can be used by anyone (individuals, families, or professionals) to guide their thinking about supports. It can be used for mapping current services and supports, problem-solving for a specific need, or planning the next steps. The star can help explore current needs, identify gaps, or plan how to access supports for the future.

Everyone accesses a variety of supports to meet their day-to-day needs, support the achievement of long-term or short-term goals, solve problems, or enhance their quality of life.

Download The Integrated Supports Star

Charting The Lifecourse Webinar

Helping Families Articulate What They Need

Charting the LifeCourse - Providing Perspective