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2022 Achieva Annual Report

April 25, 2023

“Focus” is the word that comes to mind as we reflect on Achieva’s 2021-2022 fiscal year. As pandemic-related needs waned, directing attention to efforts that helped us to reach or draw nearer to our goals was revitalizing! 

The progression of Achieva’s strategic initiatives aided efforts to offer expanded and improved supports with the person-centered goals of each stakeholder in mind. 

We focused on 
  • The infant who needed a Strong StartTM via early intervention
  • The young woman who, for the first time, was asked for her vision of a good life
  • The parents who worried about their son’s future
  • The donor who longed to make a positive impact in someone’s life
  • The trustee who selflessly offered some of their limited time

Everything Achieva does is for each of these people (and countless more)! 

Working with the disability community has given us an understanding of the issues often faced and the knowledge to help people navigate their options. 

Achieva’s comprehensive services are a lifelong resource for the people we support and their families. None of our achievements would be possible without the tireless efforts of our employees, our trustees, and the people who focus on leading a life of personal significance. 

It’s an honor and a privilege to make those goals a reality and the central point of the Achieva family in the coming year.

Mary Lou Gegick
Chair, Achieva Board of Trustees

Stephen H. Suroviec
President & CEO