Compass Newsletter | Achieva
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Compass Newsletter

We're Thankful For Direct Support Professionals!

Thank You Achieva DSPsEvery day, Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) impact the lives of the people they support. During Direct Support Professional Recognition Week (September 12-18, 2021), Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) providers across the nation are given the opportunity to...

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Achieva embraces college-based programs for students with ID

The end of August is a time when young people are heading back to college, moving into their dorms or off-campus apartments, and getting ready to participate in all that a college experience has to offer. In recent years, a movement to create college-based programs for adults with intellectual...

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Achieva Adopts Official Person-Centered Planning Tool

Person-centered planning has long been a priority of Achieva. Adopting the Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) Framework as our official person-centered planning tool ensures each employee has access to the training needed to implement the model. This September, every Achieva employee will learn more...

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PA's Single-Payer System Desperate for Rate Increase

Pennsylvania's Department of Human Services (DHS) received a 10 percent increase in the federal share it receives for services funded by Medicaid. So far, the state hasn't committed to directing any of those funds (which total in the hundreds of mi

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Awards of Excellence Call for Nominations

Achieva's Awards of Excellence honors a group of extraordinary individuals and remarkable organizations who work hard on behalf of people with disabilities and exemplify Achieva's mission to advocate for, empower and support people with disabilities and their families throughout their lives.

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Legislature, Governor Approve Important Budget and Education Bills

Last Friday night, the Pennsylvania Senate unanimously passed Senate Bill 664, Optional Year of Education Due to COVID-19; and yesterday, Governor Wolf signed the bill into law. This bill allows an additional school year for students aging out (21 years old) of special education.

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The Generosity of Achieva Supporters

On June 5th, Achieva held its annual "Pittsburgh Promenade" - an affair traditionally held in person for hundreds of people who come together dressed in their finest attire for an evening of fun, food, and drink. This year, like last, the promenade and silent auction event was held virtually.

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Enjoy Music, Art, and a Special Guest at the Pittsburgh Promenade

Although the Promenade may look different this year, the dedication to our mission to help support and empower people with disabilities remains at the heart of this event.

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Achieva's DEI Mission, Vision & Goals

In 2019, the Achieva Board of Trustees adopted a refreshed "Strategic Vision" and plan to move our family of organizations forward and position it for the future. Seven strategic priorities were adopted as part of that process, and one of those seven strategic priorities is to develop and pursue...

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