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Post-Gazette Pieces Emphasize The Workforce Crisis Hurting People With Disabilities

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First Article: Special to the Post-Gazette By Marjie Stuber

A dire workforce crisis is hurting people with intellectual disability and autism and their families. The most immediate and effective way to resolve this crisis is for the Commonwealth to adequately fund the ID/A provider system so the direct support professionals (DSPs) who care for people with ID/A can make a living wage.

PA’s budget is about to be announced. Are we going to step up for our vulnerable Pennsylvanians?
Read article in the PG.

Second Article: From the Post-Gazette Editorial Board

Since the Post-Gazette Editorial Board began writing about the struggles of Pennsylvania’s system of care for people with intellectual disabilities and autism (ID/A) exactly two years ago, the crisis has only deepened. Now, only weeks after the embarrassingly late final passage of the 2023-2024 budget, it’s time to plan for the 2024-2025 budget — and to beg Harrisburg leaders once again to take seriously their responsibilities to the most vulnerable Pennsylvanians.

Read article in the PG

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