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Powering Ahead

Powering Ahead
Evan became acquainted with Achieva Family Trust in April 2017 when he sought answers on how to protect his assets while maintaining current and future benefits.

    One of Evan’s first requests was for a fully customized power wheelchair for recreational use. “We’ve never gotten a request for a wheelchair like this one,” said Jessica Briggs, Evan’s Trust Administrator. “We look at all requests on an individual basis. Because of Evan’s home on the farm and his love of outdoor recreational activities, we felt it was a worthwhile investment for his quality of life.”

    Evan’s powered wheelchair is fully customized. It has tilt control, headrest steering, LED headlights and taillights, a cell phone grip with charging attachment, a hunting mount for his rifle and a scope camera system. This wheelchair can do almost anything. It is an awesome piece of equipment.

    One of the things it can’t do, though, is give Evan back his life before July 25, 2015. That was the day his accident happened. Evan’s heart suddenly stopped and he fell face down into the creek at Greenwood Park. The fall fractured his C3 and C4 vertebrae, making him a quadriplegic.

    But, Evan fought back with support from family, friends and his local community. Together, they raised money to help defray the cost of the family’s travels to and from Pittsburgh for treatment. Funds also helped to cover his medical bills and modifications to his home to make it accessible.

    Achieva Family Trust is proud to have helped Evan regain his independence, and continues to look for innovative ways to support and empower individuals towards their independence goals.